Thursday, July 8, 2010

Search for Churros con Chocolate

June 27, 2010

Since we got to Barcelona, all I've heard was about Churros con Chocolate. It is day four of our trip in Barcelona, and I had yet to find a store/restaurant that sold them. I was beginning to think that we would never find them, but LaCona and I made it our mission to find them today. From the picture, you can obviously determine that we found them...but it was about a good hour-and-a-half search in the Gothic Quarter to find them. But I can tell you, it was definitely worth the wait!

We found a place called Valdor, which makes churros from scratch. It was such a treat to watch them make them hot for us. She started with the batter, and squeezed a large portion into the hot oil.

Afterward she flipped the batter over using something that looked like large chopsticks.

Needless to say, it was absolutely heavenly. Definitely what my tummy wanted at that moment. While we were there, a woman stopped at our table and told us that the quality of the chocolate is determined by whether or not your churros can stand on its own in the cup of chocolate. From the looks of it, I believe we chose the right place to have our Churros con Chocolate experience!

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